Early Years Outdoor
Early Years Outdoor Practitioner is a long-term course, ideal for local authorities and multi-academy trusts seeking to support regular, creative outdoor learning and play in early years settings. Each participant has an opportunity to learn new ideas, try them out, and share learning with colleagues.
Informed by three decades of early years work, and our Take Me Out project, this training is unique in early years across the UK and Europe. Learn more about Early Years Outdoor Practitioner below, or visit our main training page to view our full range of courses.

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The Early Years Outdoor Practitioner course consists of five training events, spread over at least six months.
Staff from each setting share their experiences of developing new play and learning outdoors, in their setting. The course is suitable for any early years practitioner or teacher. Sessions are reflective and active – every session has an outdoor element, no matter the weather.
New ideas are shared, and participants are challenged to look at their long-term planning, resourcing and support for colleagues to ensure that learning is disseminated. Participants typically take on the role of ‘outdoor champion’, and close links are built with authorities to support this after the training events have finished.

Dates will be agreed with each hosting authority or group of nurseries. Typically, there are 20 places on each Early Years Outdoor Practitioner course, hosted by an early years setting, local authority, or multi-academy trust.
Course costs, inclusive of preparation, email and phone support for participants, and two full-day and three half-day training sessions is £5,800 + VAT, plus reasonable expenses.