Becoming an Indoor
Outdoor Setting
Outdoor Setting
Becoming an Indoor Outdoor Setting explores the underlying pedagogy and practicalities of continuous provision in the early years. The aim is to equip participants with practical tools to manage the transition from a traditional setting to an indoor-outdoor setting, as defined in Scottish Government guidance.
Learn more about Becoming an Indoor Outdoor Setting below, or visit our main training page to view our full range of courses.

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- Explore understanding of what makes an indoor outdoor setting
- Consider the underlying structures, both practical and pedagogical, which support an indoor outdoor approach
- Increase confidence in the indoor outdoor approach by exploring the adult role
- Consider what opportunities for play and learning exist in the created indoor outdoor environments


Day 1
- Defining ‘indoor outdoor’
- Hopes and concerns
- A rights-based approach – exploring play types and fascinations
- Developing shared indoor/outdoor vision and values
- Exploring rhythms and routines – what’s possible?
- Continuous provision – what happens where?
- Spaces – how do we respond to different environments?
Day 2
- Resources – how do we extend and scaffold loose parts play
- Responding to schema play – building relationships by tuning in
- Practicalities – food, toileting, clothing, storage, and shelter
- Relationships – building links between staff, children, parents, and wider community
- Action planning

The standard cost for this training, delivered by two trainers over two days for up to 20 participants, is £2,740 + VAT. Bookings can be made by any early years setting. To enquire about booking, please complete the form below.