Take Me Out – Early Years Outdoors


Take Me Out – Early Years Outdoors is a project sharing the best of outdoor learning and play. Funded through Erasmus+, the project has delivered standards for educators, outdoor play ideas, online training and this handbook.

This handbook is a resource designed to support all those who want to make sure that children get outdoors more often and have access to nature. It is designed to support the children, parents, early years professionals, senior management teams and supporting professionals. Throughout the book we will be encouraging you to think about the development of:

  • settings ethos
  • attitudes towards the use of the outdoors and how these will help you deliver a high-quality curriculum to ensure the best possible outcomes for children.

We believe that working in early years should be an enjoyable and rewarding task with a substantial amount of time outdoors. So read on and then take them out!

We offer training for your setting – please visit the Early Years outdoor training pages.


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