Natural Nations Goes Digital
Led by Learning through Landscapes in partnership with Birdlife Malta, Sociedad Espanola de Ornitologia SEO (Birdlife Spain), Millbrook Primary School, Hellenic Ornithological Society and Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Natural Nations Goes Digital builds on the work done by Natural Nations.

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About the project
Natural Nations Goes Digital launched in July 2021 and is our newest school grounds pollination project.
The project will build on the successes of LtL’s Natural Nations project and will work in partnership with Birdlife Malta, Sociedad Espanola de Ornitologia SEO (Birdlife Spain), Millbrook Primary School, Hellenic Ornithological Society and Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, funded by Erasmus +.
Lockdowns during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic have resulted in more schools using online teaching resources and have also highlighted the importance of engaging with nature, both for the environment and for our mental wellbeing. Combining these two important objectives, this project will develop a full online teacher-training package for outdoor environmental learning.
Natural Nations Goes Digital will not only provide teachers with educational resources about birds, pollinators and biodiversity, but will also provide crucial training in outdoor learning and improving school grounds for wildlife.
Online Primary Biodiversity Courses
The project created training events and online learning for Primary Teachers. You can access them for free below.

Biodiversity and interdependence in primary school grounds: Foundations

Biodiversity and interdependence in primary school grounds: Birds

Biodiversity and interdependence in primary school grounds: Insects
You can access each of the partner training modules below:
– Birdlife Malta
– Sociedad Espanola de Ornitologia SEO (Birdlife Spain)
– Hellenic Ornithological Society
– Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves
Millbrook Primary School have also produced a case study of their experience with the online training modules.