Positive, pro-active risk management
Managing Risks and Risk Benefit Assessments for Schools
A one day course in school risk assessment for senior managers and head teachers, updating on the latest good practice from Health and Safety Executive, Play Safety Forum and more.
Find out how your risk management system can support good practice, encourage more outdoor learning and play, while reducing excessive paperwork.

If you would like to find out more about our work, then take a look at the projects we’ve worked on, and those we have planned for the future.
How does the course work?
This course is led by Matt Robinson (B.Ed, IOSH), who has a background of over 20 years in schools and outdoor centres. Matt has developed a number of risk management systems, most noticeably LTL’s own.
The course compliments the existing Visit Leader and Off Site Excursion Manager courses, and updates all on latest guidance and practice following the Lord Young Report of 2012 and policy statements from across government departments, UK wide.
This course focusses on outdoor play and learning, but will impact all your school risk assessment and approach to risk management.
This course will also detail how to:
- Adopt a positive and pro-active approach to risk management, in line with authority or academy practice
- Understand the learning context and opportunities of authentic risks
- Reduce paperwork for ‘routine and expected’ activities
- Work through practical ‘Risk Benefit Assessments’, in line with good practice from the Health & Safety Executive and Play Safety Forum
- Consider how to engage with colleagues and stakeholders when managing a risk-averse culture.
Dates and booking
Course costs are typically £580+vat and reasonable expenses per full day, for up to 20 staff.