Early Years
Nurturing Nature
Nurturing Nature
Early Years Nurturing Nature is a programme that encourages parents to spend quality time outdoors with their child. Our one-day training course for early years practitioners will equip them to lead work developing this family learning programme at their setting.
Learn more about Early Years Nurturing Nature below, or visit our main training page to view our full range of courses.

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Nurturing Nature, a project we have been running for over 10 years, involves staff, parents, and children going on a journey together, through a variety of carefully crafted activities, harnessing the benefits of their local green spaces. The sessions improve child health and wellbeing, raise parental engagement with their child and the nursery, and nurture stronger relationships between all.
Our one-day training course is designed for up to 20 of your early years practitioners, ideally for those who take children off-site and would like to lead work developing this family learning programme at their setting.

Participants will:
- Understand the benefits of the Nurturing Nature approach
- Consider ways of engaging with parents and carers in a natural environment
- Understand their role in modelling play and learning to families
- Explore practical examples of group management, risk benefit assessment and the resources required to lead these sessions
- Take away practical skills and resources to support delivery of the Nurturing Nature programme in their own setting

The course is usually booked by a local authority or nursery chain for a number of settings. It is designed to be delivered as a full day session, although the same content can also be delivered across two half day sessions or three twilight sessions.
The costs below are based on one trainer delivering training for up to 20 staff. For larger numbers of staff, we can provide extra trainers for an additional cost.
Full day | £655 + VAT |
Half day | £480 + VAT |
Twilight | £380 + VAT |
Please complete the form below with details of your training requirements and we will get back to you shortly: