Successful Approaches to Learning Outdoors
The national report provides the independent view of HM Inspectors of Education about effective practice in outdoor learning. These thematic inspections promote improvement by sharing more widely ‘what works’. It outlines the features of high quality provision which are having a positive impact on children and young people and should be achievable by all. It is intended to celebrate the achievements and successes in Scottish education that are taking place even during an extremely challenging period when settings, schools and services are managing COVID-19.
Findings include:
- greater emphasis by necessity, of children and young people developing their knowledge and skills through learning outdoors.
- details of how staff are building on their knowledge and skills to support outdoor learning.
- illustrations of how schools are delivering high quality outdoor learning.
- information on the importance of effective leadership of outdoor learning in improving outcomes for children and young people
- examples of how schools and settings are using outdoor learning to provide a range of learning experiences
- details of how schools and settings are using outdoor learning to support health and wellbeing of their learners.
- information on how partners are involved in the planning, delivery and evaluation of outdoor learning.
As well as sharing our key messages about current practice, the report includes case studies of settings and establishments which demonstrate effective practice related to each key feature which contributes to high quality learning outdoors. These illustrate what this looks like in practice.
Note that LtL’s ‘Practitioner in Outdoor Learning and Play’ course closely aligns to this advice.