The illustrious history of how Learning through Landscapes developed.
What Drove Us
Ever since our organisation began, our team has worked tirelessly across the world to bring outdoor learning to as many children and adults as possible. We felt it was important for you to see the key milestones in our journey to help understand our work.
For our current projects, please click here.

Do you want to meet our team?
Then take a look at who makes up our community today.
Then take a look at who makes up our community today.
How It All Began
In The Beginning…

The Final Report by Eileen Adams was published. It was a culmination of three years research into the design, use and management of school grounds in England and Wales and Learning Through Landscapes (LTL) was set up to implement its recommendations.
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Special Places, Special People was published. This was a collaborative piece of research by World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and LTL. Researcher Wendy Titman looked at the impact of the design and management of school grounds on primary-aged children which has been key to our approach to our work ever since.
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Grounds for Learning, LTL’s Scottish office, was opened.
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LTL managed an international school grounds conference on behalf of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), bringing together representatives from around the globe in Winchester to look at the importance of school grounds.
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Sir David Attenborough becomes our Patron (after previously being a trustee on the board).
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LTL started to develop it’s accredited network, building up a group of professionals around the country who help us deliver our work on a national scale.
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The start of the ‘Supergrounds’ programme with funding from the Royal Bank Scotland (RBS), which was a school grounds development programme for schools across the UK for six years.

We managed the development of the Growing Schools Garden at the Hampton Court Palace Flower Show. Designed by Chris Beardshaw the garden was inspired by projects in more than 30 schools and won both a gold medal and the Tudor Rose for best in show.

We received funding from the BIG Lottery to help us create orchards in 200 schools across Great Britain.

Andy Murray visits Burnside Primary School as part of the RBS funded Supergrounds project
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LTL ran an international school grounds conference for those working on the ground with schools around the world. This was the first conference by what has now become the International School Grounds Alliance, of which LTL is a founding member.

We published ‘Learn and Play Out’ – a toolkit to help primary schools get everyone involved in developing their school grounds.

Sir David Attenborough helped us speak out about the threats to school grounds by featuring in a video highlighting the importance of children’s daily contact with nature.
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LTL won the environment section of the National Lottery Awards for our Polli:Nation project.