Join our FREE outdoor learning online support group during COVID-19

Here at Learning through Landscapes, we want to support you during these uncertain times.

Our first step was to launch a free virtual forum to guide families and educators with home learning with a focus on outdoor learning, play and sustainability.

In the midst of a crisis, it’s so important that – as a community – we help one another through difficult periods. As we make sense of our “new normal”, we at LtL have decided to do what we do best: to assist in the education of our children and to encourage connection with nature, physical exercise, learning and play through the great outdoors.

During this crisis, we believe that this support is more crucial than ever.

That’s why we have created two groups on Facebook – one for families and one for educators and teachers – to deliver FREE weekly outdoor learning and play activities and training guides. You can expect:

  • Tutorial videos
  • Downloadable resources
  • Learning plans
  • Open discussion
  • Q & As to tailor the lesson ideas around you

These groups will be reinforced by weekly newsletters to help both the parents and carers now teaching their children from home, and the learning professionals setting work remotely.

We will also be releasing a series of webinars and online training sessions for early years educators and trainers. Please sign up to our newsletter and keep an eye on the Facebook groups to ensure you receive the update once this goes live.

While we know these groups will be a valuable resource to many, we want you to know that this launch is a work in progress. Like many of you, our staff are working from different locations around the country, and we are starting this work plan from scratch. We are all bursting with ideas and activities to share with you, but coordinating them may take a short amount of time… so please bear with us!

In the meantime, sign up to the groups and share them with anyone who you feel might benefit. And please, let us know what we can help advise you in? Do you have any fantastic thoughts of your own? Is there a webinar you would love to see? Pop us an email and let us know on

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Secondary Science Fieldworksocial distancing and getting outdoors