This is the holding page for completion of the LtL School Grounds Audit tool.

Content to be added is:

  • “Next Steps in the process” document (created by SM by end of March 22)
  • “LtL Process of Change” document

Useful Documents:

  • School grounds design & development
    • Good School Playground Guide
    • Learn and Play Out (book)
  • Policy and Procedure
    • LtL Risk Management Page
    • Play out of Hours
    • Exemplar play policy
  • Play in School Grounds
    • Playtime Revolution Training course
    • Loose Parts Play Toolkit
    • Secondary Play
  • Learning in School Grounds
    • Links to lesson resources
    • Planting and Biodiversity in School Grounds (Polli projects page)
    • Teaching the primary curriculum outdoors (book)
  • Further support and training
    • Advisory Visit
    • Online Learning
    • In-person training
Contact Us

Please fill in the form below and someone from the LTL team will be in touch as soon as possible.